me and my friend Lauren FINALLY signed a lease for our new apartment for this upcoming fall!! and you know what that means... DIY time! these past two days, we created some art for our walls. Our apartment is literally all white, so we've decided to go with a bright colored, neon theme since we both love bright colors. DIY Canvas Flower this was really easy to do! all you need is: - a canvas (we got ours super cheap at Hobby Lobby) - several sheets cardstock/scrapbook paper (depending on how many colors you want) - paint - mod podge paint the canvas whatever color you want. wait for it to dry, then paint a center circle for your flower. we painted ours gold since it contrasted well with the teal. cut out petal shapes from the cardstock, then stick them on the canvas using the mod podge. after all the petals are on the canvas, paint a layer of mod podge all over the canvas. this will make sure that the petals don't come off and it will give the whole proje...