
Showing posts from June, 2017

How To Pray (step-by-step guide)

(Disclaimer: I am not perfect. I do not claim to be holy. I am not a Christian because I am perfect and holy. People probably look at my social media and think I'm crazy. But my relationship with Christ is as strong as it is today due to the fact that I am the opposite of the perfect person and make plenty of mistakes in life and I'm sure people who know me know that, lol. Every day I am trying to be better. I am not trying to "preach" at anyone and everything that I post on here related to my faith are personal experiences that have affected me and I just want to share!) I have been STRUGGLING with prayer for years now. I've talked a little bit about prayer on here, but LOL I am not good at it at all!!! Every retreat that I have gone to and talked to someone about my life issues it has always come down to my lack of prayer and Bible reading. Like even my dad sends me constant reminders to do so because he knows  (parents have that 6th sense, y'all) . Fo...

Summer Favorites 2017

I didn't even know if I was going to share a summer favorites post because I hadn't shopped much in the past couple of months (shocker, I know) . But I was looking through my stuff and it turned out I had a lot of favorites, lol. Mint Julep Boutique They had a huge sale recently and I kinda went crazy and got a bunch of clothes so the next couple of items are all from the Mint. 🙈 I rarely wear cream or white and thought this was pretty and different from what I wear. I love the delicate look of the lace at the bottom. My mom chose this top and I really liked it! And it's also white. You can see a little bit of back and it's so pretty. It looks red in the photo, but it's a burnt orange and I don't own anything in this color so I thought why not. Off the shoulder + black + florals. Need I say more. So cute and perfect for lounging and relaxing. Loved the lace details in the front. Amazon // Hat Hats/Caps/Snapbacks/whatever y...

My Favorite Face Masks - a HAUL?!

It's been a while. I am sorry. I have been busy and also have had zero inspiration to write. But I am back and if you're my friend on Snapchat, you know that I'm obsessed with skincare and face masks! I do a face mask basically every night (When school isn't killing me) and I have talked about some of my favorite face masks before on here. I have a ton sitting in my bathroom right now and I thought I would share them with you guys plus share a couple that I have used in the past. I love face masks because not only are they good for you, but they are also kinda fun! They make me feel like I'm at the spa when in reality I'm just sitting in my apartment in a bathrobe pretending to live lavishly. 💁 And this is not exclusively for girls... Guys, you can do this too! If you want to see my in-depth skincare routine, click  here . Clearasil (purchased from CVS) I have talked about the face scrub from this brand in a post either before or after I have posted...