Stop Trying
(Disclaimer: I am not perfect. I do not claim to be holy. I am not a Christian because I am perfect and holy. People probably look at my social media and think I'm crazy. But my relationship with Christ is as strong as it is today due to the fact that I am the opposite of the perfect person and make plenty of mistakes in life and I'm sure people who know me know that, lol. Every day I am trying to be better. I am not trying to "preach" at anyone and everything that I post on here related to my faith are personal experiences that have affected me and I just want to share!) This is something that changed my perspective on some stuff a couple of years ago and I feel like sharing it with you guys because it revolved around a bible verse and the chapter was discussed at a prayer meeting this past weekend. They didn't talk about the verse specifically and went in a different direction than how the verse affected me, but it did bring up a lot of memories and I want...