
Showing posts from 2017

What I Learned in 2017

For some odd reason, this has been my favorite post to write all year and I'm so excited to finally share it. I started this post earlier in the year and as you can tell, I learned a lot. Photography is an actual talent. There are plenty of people out there who are terrible at taking photos. Choose wisely when you ask to get your photo taken. Don't remove the price tags off new clothes until you actually wear the clothes. If someone makes you uncomfortable on social media, don't give them attention; ignore them or delete them. But in addition, don't delete people on social media out of pettiness. Only delete/block if they are having a negative impact on your life or your mental health. Just because someone looks happy on social media doesn't mean they are happy in real life. Bug bate is a temporary solution to getting rid of bugs. CLEAN UP YOUR MESS TO PREVENT BUG INFESTATION. If you have feelings for someone, tell them. The worst they can do is not feel...

Stop Trying

(Disclaimer: I am not perfect. I do not claim to be holy. I am not a Christian because I am perfect and holy. People probably look at my social media and think I'm crazy. But my relationship with Christ is as strong as it is today due to the fact that I am the opposite of the perfect person and make plenty of mistakes in life and I'm sure people who know me know that, lol. Every day I am trying to be better. I am not trying to "preach" at anyone and everything that I post on here related to my faith are personal experiences that have affected me and I just want to share!) This is something that changed my perspective on some stuff a couple of years ago and I feel like sharing it with you guys because it revolved around a bible verse and the chapter was discussed at a prayer meeting this past weekend. They didn't talk about the verse specifically and went in a different direction than how the verse affected me, but it did bring up a lot of memories and I want...

Fall Favorites 2017

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I've been slacking!! I've been so busy and this is the first week in ages where I don't have a test or a quiz to study for or a load of homework. (and I've been really lazy) I actually have so many more favorites but it's too much for this post. I kinda wanna post a video, but that requires me to sit down and film, then edit which I don't have time to do at the moment. I'm sorry!! But here are a few fall (and late summer) favorites! Mint Julep Boutique // Khaki Strike A Cord Hat It's a corduroy hat and I love it. I was skeptical at first thinking it was too small, but nope, this has ended up being the hat I grab most frequently and it pretty much goes with everything.  This was actually at Music Midtown this year in Atlanta, Georgia. I had a blast! Mint Julep Boutique // Denim Easy Choice Shorts The moment I ordered it, I immediately was like "oh no, why did I order this. I already hav...

An English Tea Party Themed Bridal Shower

My best friend Rachael is getting married next year so me and my friend Megan threw her a bridal shower! Neither of us had ever hosted something like this before so we both were nervous and stressed, but it went on really well. I thought I would share a few pictures from the shower with you guys because it was a fun time and we worked really hard to transform our ideas into real life! Special thanks to our moms and friends for helping us out!!! Party favors for the guests.  Drink table - consisted of a mimosa bar, water dispenser, and mint julep lemonade Mint Julep Lemonade Ice "balls" with with real flowers frozen in them to keep the champagne cold! Sandwich Table - consisted of Chicken Salad Sandwiches, Mexican Pinwheels, Colorful Ribbon Sandwiches, Hershey Kisses, Lavender Tea Bread Dessert Table - consisted of cake, chocolate covered strawberries, fruit pizza bar Table consisting of the ring game, recipe book, and date ni...

A Super Easy Smoothie Recipe

So during the summer, I love to make smoothies. Smoothies are basically my favorite drink and they happen to be healthy! I made a YouTube video 2 years ago showing how I made my smoothies, but one of my friends pointed out that I didn't put any proper measurements, so I thought I would share my recipe here... with measurements this time, lol. It is super easy to make and there's nothing unique about the recipe. I just threw all these ingredients together and I think this is how most people make smoothies? But if you want to start making smoothies on your own and need a recipe, this is a simple one to follow! Summertime Smoothie Recipe Serves: 2 people* I N G R E D I E N T S 3-4 ice cubes 1/2 cup of vanilla yogurt 2 cups of frozen fruits 1 tsp of sugar (optional) 3/4 cup of orange juice or pineapple juice (I personally think pineapple juice tastes better, but either work) Chia seeds (optional) Protein powder (optional) All you have to do...

A Summertime Photoshoot SNEAK PEEK

So me and a group of some of my closest friends have done these fun "photoshoots" since high school and have continued the tradition throughout college (some of us have already graduated from college 😅) . People think it's juvenile, but we have had lots of fun with it... plus I LOVE taking pictures of my beautiful friends! I'm in the middle of editing this set, but I thought I'd share a few favorites here on the blog. (I don't know if you can tell, but we were dying from the heat and we were in the direct sun for a while which is why we brought out the umbrellas.) ENJOY! This picture is out of focus and I cry every time I look at it because it was perfect. Ugh #selftimers Check out my last post:  An Average Girl's Review of the Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Eyeshadow Palette + Tutorial FOLLOW ALL MY SOCIALS:   Instagram  (**NEW**) : VSCO: http://sarth...

An Average Girl's Review of the Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Eyeshadow Palette + Tutorial

So I recently purchased Jaclyn Hill's collaboration palette with Morphe and I LOVE IT! It lived up to the hype in my opinion. I posted my first impression/review/tutorial on my YouTube channel and I've used the palette a couple of times since then and it is so worth it, y'all!! It was more on the pricey side for me (only because I'm poor) , BUT you get a lot of colors. I have never purchased a palette with 35 shades so it's about $1 a color and I'd usually spend $7-$15 on a palette with 10-12 shades. And it's definitely cheaper than any high end makeup brand such as Urban Decay, Too Faced, Tarte, etc. I don't purchase eye shadow palettes frequently, so this will probably last me a long time, lol. I talk about the palette more in the video, so please check it out below! I say this in the video, but please note that I am not a makeup artist so my makeup is not perfect! I am just your average girl who just enjoys doing makeup for fun.  And here...

How To Pray (step-by-step guide)

(Disclaimer: I am not perfect. I do not claim to be holy. I am not a Christian because I am perfect and holy. People probably look at my social media and think I'm crazy. But my relationship with Christ is as strong as it is today due to the fact that I am the opposite of the perfect person and make plenty of mistakes in life and I'm sure people who know me know that, lol. Every day I am trying to be better. I am not trying to "preach" at anyone and everything that I post on here related to my faith are personal experiences that have affected me and I just want to share!) I have been STRUGGLING with prayer for years now. I've talked a little bit about prayer on here, but LOL I am not good at it at all!!! Every retreat that I have gone to and talked to someone about my life issues it has always come down to my lack of prayer and Bible reading. Like even my dad sends me constant reminders to do so because he knows  (parents have that 6th sense, y'all) . Fo...