Go Me
it is absolutely insane how the Lord can make you turn back to Him. once again, I've been slacking off with the important tasks and worrying about things and certain people that I really shouldn't be thinking about at the moment. then I literally felt unbelievably stressed and actually all of a sudden started thinking about how much work I actually have to do this week regarding my academics and jobs. and how I've done nothing to prepare for it. like I was literally fine till about 15 minutes before I started typing this. my point in sharing this is that oh my goodness, if you do not put the Lord #1 in your life, um, He might force you to. that sounds kind of harsh, but it really isn't. I took out my Bible and was lead to Psalm 33.
ahh my mind and my mood right now are like 263-$82(*;@-℅{¥×¢¶`°|℅©! and sorry this was more like a journal entry rather than a blog post. I feel like there are gonna be more of these lately.
But the LORD watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love.I messed up, and once again God shows that if I rely on Him, He will watch over me. tomorrow will be rough and the rest of the week will be hell but I will get through it with God's helping hand.
ahh my mind and my mood right now are like 263-$82(*;@-℅{¥×¢¶`°|℅©! and sorry this was more like a journal entry rather than a blog post. I feel like there are gonna be more of these lately.
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