Wrapping Up 2015
If you've been reading my blog for a while (lol which is like a year of regular-ish blogging), you might know that I posted my New Years Resolutions for 2015 exactly a year ago today. If you wanna read the whole post, click here. But instead of putting my resolutions for 2016, I thought I'd just share what I did and did not accomplish on the list... aka basically showing what I have to do next year. lol. What's typed in red is what happened with each resolution this year.
be nicer to people, especially to those I don't like <-- This was hard. But this is something I legitimately worked on. Still a work in progress.
but don't waste time on people who aren't worth it <-- Definitely did this. And I highly suggest doing this. It will make your life so much better. Kind of like cleaning out a big mess.
eat healthier foods and cut down on those sour patch kids and Momma G's nachos <-- I did this!!! Not saying that I'm the healthiest eater in the world. I still have work to do. But I gave up junk food for Lent this year so the nachos and sour patch kids definitely cut down. I rarely have nachos now and I don't remember the last time I had sour patch kids. Over the summer, I started drinking smoothies almost every day. I even recorded a tutorial of the type of smoothie I made on YouTube. You can click here if you wanna watch and learn how to make them.
eat out less because food is expensive and I need to save money <-- I definitely don't eat out as often as I used to!
balance the social and academic lives better <-- Worked on this a bit. Still a work in progress.
focus even more on school <-- Yeah.... a work in progress.
don't give up when things get too hard <-- As of now, I'm still an Industrial Engineering major? I guess I haven't given up... yet.
spend time with God more <-- I read the Bible (almost) every day now. I always find myself praying for someone or myself. But it's still a work in progress. Always a work in progress.
exercise more (squats) <-- Actually did good with this over the summer... then the fall semester began. And I slacked. But I have learned that my work outs are much better by myself than with other people.
keep in touch with my friends outside of school and state <-- I think I did this. You will have to verify with them though, lol.
make new friends and make the friend circle bigger <-- Not sure if I did this... but definitely met a lot of people this year.
cut down on social media and take random social media fasts <-- I can confidently say I did NOT do this. And I know everyone who knows me can agree with me. Definitely need cut down in 2016, haha.
reward myself with social activities after doing something good <-- I honestly don't know. So probably not.
listen to people more <-- Not sure what I meant by this. If I meant by listening to other people's advice, then I tried. If I meant by listening to people more in general and their stories, that is a work in progress.
don't share too much about myself because not everyone cares and not everyone needs to know <-- a total work in progress.
sleep earlier and don't sleep in till lunchtime <-- Improved, but work in progress. Because I slept in till 1pm yesterday (but it's Christmas break, sooo).
don't judge people <-- I think I've improved in this area. But always a work in progress!
make money so I can be a rich college student (not basic) <-- LOL. Yeah... I took a debit card fast for about two months. Only worked for the two months. Definitely the opposite of a rich college student at the moment.
do something extraordinary <-- Didn't do anything extraordinary unless it was unknowingly?
make a difference in someone's life <-- Not that I know of. If I did and someone feels like sharing the story with me, please contact me. But only if you feel like it!
Overall, 2015 was an improvement from 2014. I was hoping that 2015 would have been the year a lot of my questions were gonna be answered, but I'm still kinda in a limbo trying to figure my life out and seeing what God has planned for me and my future. I did learn that my love of social media and internet actually wasn't all a bad thing. I truly do love blogging and sharing my random thoughts with whoever reads this and I know it's something that I am supposed to be doing! So if you've enjoyed my posts this year, expect more this upcoming year. I am excited to see what 2016 holds in store for me. I have a feeling it will be an exciting year. Hope you all have a wonderful new year and be safe!
be nicer to people, especially to those I don't like <-- This was hard. But this is something I legitimately worked on. Still a work in progress.
but don't waste time on people who aren't worth it <-- Definitely did this. And I highly suggest doing this. It will make your life so much better. Kind of like cleaning out a big mess.
eat healthier foods and cut down on those sour patch kids and Momma G's nachos <-- I did this!!! Not saying that I'm the healthiest eater in the world. I still have work to do. But I gave up junk food for Lent this year so the nachos and sour patch kids definitely cut down. I rarely have nachos now and I don't remember the last time I had sour patch kids. Over the summer, I started drinking smoothies almost every day. I even recorded a tutorial of the type of smoothie I made on YouTube. You can click here if you wanna watch and learn how to make them.
eat out less because food is expensive and I need to save money <-- I definitely don't eat out as often as I used to!
balance the social and academic lives better <-- Worked on this a bit. Still a work in progress.
focus even more on school <-- Yeah.... a work in progress.
don't give up when things get too hard <-- As of now, I'm still an Industrial Engineering major? I guess I haven't given up... yet.
spend time with God more <-- I read the Bible (almost) every day now. I always find myself praying for someone or myself. But it's still a work in progress. Always a work in progress.
exercise more (squats) <-- Actually did good with this over the summer... then the fall semester began. And I slacked. But I have learned that my work outs are much better by myself than with other people.
keep in touch with my friends outside of school and state <-- I think I did this. You will have to verify with them though, lol.
make new friends and make the friend circle bigger <-- Not sure if I did this... but definitely met a lot of people this year.
cut down on social media and take random social media fasts <-- I can confidently say I did NOT do this. And I know everyone who knows me can agree with me. Definitely need cut down in 2016, haha.
reward myself with social activities after doing something good <-- I honestly don't know. So probably not.
listen to people more <-- Not sure what I meant by this. If I meant by listening to other people's advice, then I tried. If I meant by listening to people more in general and their stories, that is a work in progress.
don't share too much about myself because not everyone cares and not everyone needs to know <-- a total work in progress.
sleep earlier and don't sleep in till lunchtime <-- Improved, but work in progress. Because I slept in till 1pm yesterday (but it's Christmas break, sooo).
don't judge people <-- I think I've improved in this area. But always a work in progress!
make money so I can be a rich college student (not basic) <-- LOL. Yeah... I took a debit card fast for about two months. Only worked for the two months. Definitely the opposite of a rich college student at the moment.
do something extraordinary <-- Didn't do anything extraordinary unless it was unknowingly?
make a difference in someone's life <-- Not that I know of. If I did and someone feels like sharing the story with me, please contact me. But only if you feel like it!
Overall, 2015 was an improvement from 2014. I was hoping that 2015 would have been the year a lot of my questions were gonna be answered, but I'm still kinda in a limbo trying to figure my life out and seeing what God has planned for me and my future. I did learn that my love of social media and internet actually wasn't all a bad thing. I truly do love blogging and sharing my random thoughts with whoever reads this and I know it's something that I am supposed to be doing! So if you've enjoyed my posts this year, expect more this upcoming year. I am excited to see what 2016 holds in store for me. I have a feeling it will be an exciting year. Hope you all have a wonderful new year and be safe!
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looking "back" at 2015. lolz |
Cheers to a fabulous new year!!
Abracadabra, I applied for a capital one credit card, to build credit and a decent FICO score. But, they wanted a deposit of $500 first to issue a master card. I don't swear at them, though I felt like swearing.
ReplyDeletePapa pappadom like to have the daughter with the laptop in his lap facing his left to chat.
The power of a lens is in the subject in front of it, well no, in the hand of the individual holding and focussing it, well maybe in the eyes of the beholder, well...
Boy child cried: " come, hugg, take it... "
Beholder just stared on and on, what an anticlimax.
What was me thinking so hard without substantiating at the moment of unity.
Well a gentle breeze blowing across the wild grass, sweeping the fragrance of mama earth far far away, pollen may be an allergen but it does pollinate and continue the business on to the next crop. Between the burst of the agile wind, the dandelion wishper spread your arms and hold me tight for I am gonna gone in the cold that is on the way. If only I had the wings of a skylark, I could have flown North bound. Even monarch butterflies cover wast stretches of earth, ..
Mama but mama sat on the abandoned dock with feet moving clear water beneath and the little restless baby held ever closer and closer and in a moment, the little toy fell from baby's grip into the clear blue water and flosted, free from the childish play.
Pictures are worth thousands of words, why not cash, wonder. You have set me free, you are truth
Abracadabra, I went to Walmart to purchase grocery and a 2016 calendar. Fish Molly I wandered among the aisle like a doggy searching for its Master or more reasonable like an orphan seeking materna delight forlorn and still moving forward. After 10 freaking minutes, I faced a employee and asked her where I could get a 2016 calendar. She suggested the stand nearby, to my misunderstanding of Walmart, I asked her the price of this calendar. She scanned and found $11 and change. Just for a calendar. Oh Maria, my spidy sense suggested back off. Walmart sucks. I went to Staples, and found a better calendar for $6 and change.
ReplyDeleteIgnorance cost me money. I could have been more charitable. My ignorance is money for another Walmart. Walmart sucks again they dinged my wallet during back to school madness. The cheap binders were $1.25 +applicable taxes But come Staples, better binders for $1+ taxes. Screw up Walmart.
Happy new year Shepherds .
There are more civilized people outside Keral than besides.
Abracadabra, a kid wanted to wed his family physician for good. Ha-ha. Kid must be stressing the faculty of visualization and imagery. Painters will get along well with musicians and nurses will get along with cops and dogs. They earn awesome monies stabbing patients with needles and knocking them out with prescription drugs.
ReplyDeleteWelcome 2016, what you have in mind/ store.
Ever heard a model getting hooked up with a photo journalist?
I made a reservation for two at a Chinese restaurant, but my party arrived one hour and forty five minutes later. I got cheesed. Done. How am I supposed to put up with such a person.
Tomorrow the second term starts. Fee is paid for good. Books are rented. I am dressing up to impress my professors. But they look objectivity at my work. They look at what I can do rather than how I look.
Linear algebra and multivariate calculus is sheer pain in the hip.
I went to dollar tree and brought a scrubber. I want to scrub my whole body
Did someone say he has a spending issue. Hey.
We are all in this together for the fun of it for the sake of it for the love of it. For I found you not found you, you are a joy for me. How do I say that, for you will close the door slam shut right on me.
Thank youu for this