I Don't Know Fashion: Concert Edition

I'm trying to come up with a name for this series because "Fashion Post 1, 2, 3" etc. is the lamest thing I've ever heard in my entire life. I kinda like "I Don't Know Fashion" (because I really don't know fashion lol) but if you guys have any other suggestions for names, let me know!

If you read my May and June Favorites, you might remember how I said I really loved Jon Bellion's debut album and how I was going to go see him in concert this month. Well, his concert in Detroit was this past weekend and it was way more amazing than I expected! Along with singing his music, he said some really inspiring stuff and said things which I felt were meant for me and all my recent struggles figuring out my life. So thank you, Jon (lol if for some odd miraculous reason you do read this). And his openers (Alec Benjamin, Blaque Keyz, Travis Mendes, & SonReal) were also awesome! I'm excited to check out their music. The only downside was that I wished the concert lasted longer! He said he's going on tour again in 3 months so hopefully I can go see him again when he comes to Atlanta. Here are a few photos from the concert and a little video!

What I'm wearing:
Dress: H&M
Sandals: Target (mentioned in my last favorites post)
Earrings: no idea
Liquid Lipstick: LAX Ultra Matte Lip by ColourPop (mentioned in a previous post)
Purse lying on the ground: Behind the Glass (mentioned in multiple posts bc I love that purse haha)
Hair: Washed that day and air dried

I've been obsessed with murals lately and there was a cool looking one outside St. Andrew's Hall. 
Thank ya, Jill for being just as obsessed with Jon Bellion as me!!

So much beauty and talent.

A little snapchat sneak peak of "Run Wild"

Catch up on my fashion related posts here!

Read my last post: My Thoughts on Taylor Swift

Youtube [main channel (**NEW**)]:
Youtube (2nd channel):
https://vine.co/stbraham <-- yes, I spelled my last name wrong when creating my vine and can't change it. Don't ask lol. 


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