22 Good Things That Happened In 2016

I'm gonna be straight up honest here. 2016 was definitely not my year and things definitely did not go as planned. But one thing I have been trying to learn (and failing miserably at) is to be more optimistic and look at the bright side. God has a reason for everything to happen and he has a good plan. So here I am sharing all the good things that happened to me this year and good things in general that happened in 2016.

  1. I got an internship this summer in Michigan.
  2. I moved very far away for an entire summer from family and friends for the first time.
  3. I learned to adult a quite a bit and do things on my own rather than depend on my parents.
  4. I got a gym membership.
  5. I visited 10 states this year → Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, and New York. (I clearly like the eastern United States lol)
  6. I visited my favorite city and happy place, New York City.
  7. Lilly Singh (Superwoman) and Liza Koshy finally collabed on YouTube and it was the best and you should watch it. → What Clubbing Is Actually Like
  8. My best friend got engaged.
  9. I worked the hardest I've ever worked in my entire life when it came to school. It didn't always pay off, but it was reassuring to know that I took time to put in effort into something I wanted to do well in.
  10. I made a lot of new friends and met a lot of people.
  11. I watched all 6 seasons of Friends. One of the best shows ever.
  12. I turned 21.
  13. I voted in my first presidential election.
  14. Joe Santagato and Jenna Marbles tweeted me.
  15. I gained and lost love. An experience I didn't know I needed till it happened.
  16. I learned a lot about my Orthodox faith.
  17. I saw Jon Bellion in concert.
  18. I visited a lot of family this year that I never get to see.
  19. I took a much needed break from Facebook.
  20. I got more into beauty and skincare. (Others might say that's not a good thing, but I love it 😏)
  21. The best therapy I received this year was retail therapy. (Once again, others might say that's not a good thing lol)
  22. I made a new instagram account a few days ago to post things that I love and talk about this blog, so you guys should go follow it, hehe. → @sarthellabra

New Years in Nashville!
Dress: Mint Julep Boutique
Shoes: Francesca's 
Hope you all have a wonderful 2017 and stay tuned for more posts in the future!

Check out my last post: November and December Favorites 2016
Check out my new year's resolutions from last year (bc I'm not posting any this year bc it's basically last year's all over tbh lol)2016 Resolutions


Instagram (**NEW**):
Youtube (main channel):
Youtube (2nd channel):
https://vine.co/stbraham <-- yes, I spelled my last name wrong when creating my vine and can't change it. Don't ask lol.


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