What I Learned in 2024
My favorite post of the year is here! The list is shorter than usual because a lot of it was actually wedding-related and I can make that a whole separate post (stay tuned).
- ALWAYS check your makeup/skincare items at TJ Maxx/Marshalls before buying it to make sure it's unopened.
- In order for businesses to take you seriously after wronging you, blast them on social media and leave them a review on Google.
- Change your license plate as soon as you move to a new state.
- Life is so much more enjoyable when you aren't stressed.
- TV shows based in NYC are the best.
- Proactivity > Reactivity
- When you go to court to fight a ticket/fine, you have to do it in front of everyone(!!!) So embarrassing.
- Do not wear leather pants if you decide to go on a walk outside in the summer. You will die.
- You can have "no cell phones or photography during the ceremony" posted on your wedding website, wedding program, and have someone make an announcement at the ceremony, and people will still have their cell phones out taking pictures and videos. And will post said photos on WhatsApp before the ceremony is over.
- Buy an AirTag and put it in your suitcase when you travel.
- Buy a dashcam. Insurance fraud is real.
- Elon Musk is equivalent to a villain in a movie. But way worse.
- If you have a professional photographer taking photos of your group and there is someone taking pictures with their phone, tell your group to look at the professional photographer.
- You are just a number at a company and can be replaced.
Check out the previous posts in this annual series:
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Youtube (main channel): http://www.youtube.com/SarahAbraham09
Youtube (2nd channel): http://youtube.com/glambitiousarah
TikTok: @sarahtabraham
TikTok: @sarahtabraham
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