Summer Favorites 2017

I didn't even know if I was going to share a summer favorites post because I hadn't shopped much in the past couple of months (shocker, I know). But I was looking through my stuff and it turned out I had a lot of favorites, lol.

Mint Julep Boutique
They had a huge sale recently and I kinda went crazy and got a bunch of clothes so the next couple of items are all from the Mint. πŸ™ˆ
I rarely wear cream or white and thought this was pretty and different from what I wear. I love the delicate look of the lace at the bottom.

My mom chose this top and I really liked it! And it's also white. You can see a little bit of back and it's so pretty.

It looks red in the photo, but it's a burnt orange and I don't own anything in this color so I thought why not.

Off the shoulder + black + florals. Need I say more.

So cute and perfect for lounging and relaxing.

Loved the lace details in the front.

Amazon // Hat
Hats/Caps/Snapbacks/whatever you call them have turned into a necessity that I wear now not only to protect my face from the sun or to look "stylish", but to hide my hair when it's about time to wash it. πŸ™ˆ And it's black and floral... shocker.
I was in Cincinnati briefly a few weeks ago and pulled the hat. I love it.

The Balm Cosmetics // Betty-Lou Manizer
I received this in my Ipsy bag a couple of months ago and I've been using it as a bronzer just to give a subtle glow to my cheeks. I absolutely love it!

Clearasil // Face Scrub
Y'all know I love skincare and I tried out this face scrub cleanser and OMG. I am not even exaggerating but my skin literally felt like a newborn child (not in a creepy way). It left my skin feeling so soft and smooth!! I just want to keep touching my face but I know it's going to cause breakouts lol, but it is just that amazing. (I talked about the face mask that kinda goes with this in my Face Masks post if you wanna check it out)

Enlite Super Face // Detoxifying Platimum Peel-Off Mask
I talked about this in my face mask post in more depth, but the peel off process is the coolest sensation ever and it cleared my pores and whatever dirt was in my skin. I love it so much!!

Martin Garrix // Scared to Be Lonely (feat. Dua Lipa)
This is kinda random, but this song came out a couple of months ago and I still CANNOT STOP LISTENING TO IT. This music is fantastic and the lyrics are relatable and when a song relates to me, it makes it that much better.


Matthew Kelly // Resisting Happiness
This book was part of the Best Lent Ever program by Dynamic Catholic. The Best Lent Ever program is basically a video/activity/book/prayer program to do during Lent, but I didn't get around to actually reading the book till summer. I'm not done reading it, but it has really opened my eyes to the definition of happiness and finding happiness. Something I didn't start thinking about till I started the the Best Lent Ever program during Lent this year. This whole "happiness" thing is whole different subject that I might address in a future post, but I am really enjoying this book!

Apple // MacBook Pro 13-inch model with Touch Bar
This was an unexpected favorite. My goal was to get through college with my old laptop (also a MacBook Pro) and after I graduated, I was going to get a new one as I started a new chapter of my life (so cheesy lol). Well, the laptop was running so unbelievably slow that it was actually putting me behind in my classes and lowering my productivity level by a lot. Like when I want to get stuff done and can't because it's out of my control, it is the most frustrating thing ever and there was no way I was going to get through the summer with the programs I was using on that computer, so I had to upgrade. But I absolutely love my new laptop!! It's so lightweight and so fast. I thought the Touch Bar was going to be useless, but it's actually pretty useful especially when it comes to using iMessage and writing emails.

Gilmore Girls
One of my friends suggested watching the pilot episode earlier this year and I asked her if I would get obsessed with the show after one episode (because I didn't need another distraction during the semester) and she said yes I probably would, so obviously I said "sure let's watch it!!" like the dumb person I am and she was right; I got hooked, lol. It is such a great show!! It's not as dramatic like a lot of shows nowadays and they're not forcing any political agenda into their storyline which is so refreshing (but the show also ended 10 years ago and times have changed so that might have something to do with it lol). It also didn't feel like it was dragging the plot along which I feel is the case with a lot of shows trying to stay on the air. I just finished watching the entire show and the revival on Netflix. I am definitely not a fan of how both the show and the revival ended, so Netflix and Amy (the creator of the show), PLEASE continue this show and give us viewers a proper ending!!
Loralai and Rory are literally mother/daughter goals.

Check out my last post: My Favorite Face Masks

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